What is the best type breast implants? And most natural way of breast implants under muscle or under breast ti?

Question by Audrey: What is the best type breast implants? And most natural way of breast implants under muscle or under breast ti?
What is the best type breast implants? And most natural way of breast implants under muscle or under breast tissue?
A relative would like to get a breast augmentation but is not sure which type of implants feel the most natural. And which option would help the implants to feel more natural either under the breast muscle or under the breast tissue.

Best answer:

Answer by Virility1985
1.) Mentor Siltex MemoryGel breast implants.
2.) Cohesive I is the softest implants.
3.) Under the mucles look more natural if the appropriate size is chosen, but it could also feel harder, and depending how strong your relative is, the pectorial muscles can distort the shape. I should know because I have strong pecs.


This is the Siltex implants (below):. The Siltex implants include ULTRA HIGH PROJECTION. Do I need to say more.


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How is education in the United States different from education in other countries?

Question by hplss.rmntc: How is education in the United States different from education in other countries?
How is education in the United States different from education in other countries? Which country’s education system do you like best?

Best answer:

Answer by Brian K
Here, we make a futile and stupid attempt to educate everybody, whether they want an education or not. In other countries, they value education more, because if you don’t pursue it, they stop educating you and you have to take a menial job and suffer. Parents don’t want that for their children and they push them. Here, when someone doesn’t want an education, we force them to stay in school with compulsory education and we give them the “No Child Left Behind” treatment. We keep their sorry butt in school and let them drag down the whole educational system. The parents don’t have to take the responsibility to make their kid rise to challenges. As a result, our school systems and teachers are swamped with trying to produce even mediocre results from a population that has no reason to care or to try. Pick a developed country in the world, and its educational system will be better than ours, because here our lawyers have determined that we have to try to save people from themselves.

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Do you know the difference between health care and health care coverage?

Question by г๏๓คгє: Do you know the difference between health care and health care coverage?
I see a lot of posts on here saying that we have the best health care in the world and the evidence is that people come here from other countries to get care. I agree that we have the best health CARE in the world.

What is being discussed is health care coverage, not health care. That is, the way health care is paid for.

Do you understand the difference?

Best answer:

Answer by Still campaigning in 57 States
Yes, I do.

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How would health insurance businesses be able to stay viable if the Senate bill is passed?

Question by johma513: How would health insurance businesses be able to stay viable if the Senate bill is passed?
As I understand it, the bill forces all Americans to have health insurance. However, I think that the fine for having no health insurance is around $ 750. But after the year 2014, health insurance companies will not be able to turn customers away for preexisting conditions. Why wouldnt someone pay the fine or buy low end coverage until they got ill and supplement the coverage or buy an extensive plan?

Best answer:

Answer by danrathersatitagain
In the end, hundreds of thousands of current insurance company employees will be looking for work.

What do you think? Answer below!

Theatre Career workshop for teens, I need ideas of what to say?

Question by Alyssa S: Theatre Career workshop for teens, I need ideas of what to say?
I am running a theatre career workshop for Teen Girls at a Girl Scout Program. This workshop is only an hour and a half long, and I should be teaching the girls about skills, education need, and careers in theatre. Can anyone help me? Should I teach them theatre terms? or should I go more into describing the field. If someone could help thatd be fabulous

please help!

Best answer:

Answer by Ed Atun
Have them perform a play about their parents’ jobs. Go back in time. Make them ask what jobs the parents did when they were young. Which jobs were best and which were worst. This would not need a lot of practice; it is mostly “improvisation”. But you could have 3 of them onstage together. If one is the worker at the McDonald’s , the other 2 are “customers”..

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