Question by Audrey: What is the best type breast implants? And most natural way of breast implants under muscle or under breast ti?
What is the best type breast implants? And most natural way of breast implants under muscle or under breast tissue?
A relative would like to get a breast augmentation but is not sure which type of implants feel the most natural. And which option would help the implants to feel more natural either under the breast muscle or under the breast tissue.
Best answer:
Answer by Virility1985
1.) Mentor Siltex MemoryGel breast implants.
2.) Cohesive I is the softest implants.
3.) Under the mucles look more natural if the appropriate size is chosen, but it could also feel harder, and depending how strong your relative is, the pectorial muscles can distort the shape. I should know because I have strong pecs.
This is the Siltex implants (below):. The Siltex implants include ULTRA HIGH PROJECTION. Do I need to say more.
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