Can an illegal immigrant from mexico travel to other countries if he returns to mexico?

Question by beowulf: Can an illegal immigrant from mexico travel to other countries if he returns to mexico?
Hello, I have a friend who is an illegal immigrant here in the US who wants to travel to other countries. He was brought here as a child from Mexico and now he is an adult. Is it possible for him to travel to other countries (Europe, etc)? Would he have to return to Mexico first? Can he get a passport here in the US (or from a Mexican consulate?)

He told me that he would have to stay in Mexico for ten years if he went back there. Is that true?
If someone could give me legal sources that’d be great.

Best answer:

Answer by sociald
if it he left voluntarily its 5 years

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. tountouroun says:

    One sure thing is wherever he will apply for a visa be it a tourist or whatever type if he applies from the U.S the embassy will require that he proves his current status in the U.S and if he is illegal, they may not report him to U.S immigration but at the same time he can kiss his visa application goodbye. That’s pretty much a general principle.
    P.S. As a Mexican citizen, I believe wherever he stays in the world regardless of his status as long as he can prove his Mexican citizenship he should get a passport don’t have to go to Mexico for that.

  2. Uncle says:

    he will have difficulty getting a visa to a western country
    they dont want criminal in their country

  3. Jan says:

    He will be banned from the US for 10 years when he returns to Mexico. He would have to qualify for a visa to enter any other country unless he also plans to ignore their immigration laws too.

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